WPS Salary Processing

BFC Payments offers the most innovative digital salary account facility for your employees in compliance with the Wages Protection system (WPS) initiative of LMRA and CBB guidelines. You can now onboard your company as a WPS-compliant business and start paying your employee salaries digitally!

WPS ensures maintaining proper salary records in the regulatory systems.

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Become ‘WPS Compliant’ today!

Max. file size: 80 MB.

Benefits To Your Company

Icon of a scale with money, representing streamlined salary payments with BFC Pay’s WPS service

WPS Compliant Salary Accounts and Payment System.

Icon showing a person with arrows pointing left and right, representing easy addition or removal of employees

Easy process for addition or removal of employees.

Icon of receiving money, illustrating BFC Pay’s WPS service for employee salary processing.

Eliminate large queues of employees waiting to receive their salary.

Icon of a wallet, indicating easy money transfers and bill payments via the BFC Pay app

Salary records archive.

Icon of a warning sign, highlighting the importance of avoiding risks associated with cash handling

Helps to avoid the risk of cash handling during the salary period.

Icon of a shield with a checkmark, emphasizing the secure and compliant nature of BFC Pay’s payment solutions.

Safest Method of Salary Distribution – clean and secure branch environment with queue management.

Icon of an envelope with a notification badge, depicting email alerts for payroll managers on salary release

Email notification to payroll managers on salary release.

Icon of two exchanging money, symbolizing BFC Pay’s easy and secure money transfer services

Easy money transfers, bill payments and many more services directly from BFC Pay app.