JYQ Meet and Assist service graphic for BFC Pay, highlighting premium customer assistance at airports

JYQ Meet & Assist

YQ is a global network of specialist airport meet & assist service partners. For Visa Platinum cardholders it means that getting through airports can be the personalized, pleasant experience they deserve.
  1. Offer: discount of up to 15% off retail rates for Visa Platinum cards at over 450 destinations globally
  2. Visa Platinum Cardholders can book via https://cemea.yqnowgroup.com/ and the applicable discount is applied directly to the transaction
  3. Booking for the services must be made at least 72 hours prior to commencement of travel
  4. Offer not to be used in conjunction with other promotions
  5. Cardholders can also book other services such as limo transfer, visa on arrival, baggage porters, etc.