Special hotel booking deals on Booking.com. Maximize your savings with BFC Pay offers.


Visa Cardholders can enjoy up to 8% discount in selected markets in CEMEA with Booking.com.

Booking.com is one of the world's leading digital travel companies, available in 43 languages and offers more than 28 million accommodation listings.

Offer: Get up to 6 - 8% off (instant discount) on Booking.com (depending on the Market – see attached list for discounts application) when you pay with your Visa card. Use promo code ‘VISABKNG’ to avail the offer.

Offer Landing Page:

  1. Markets which have up to 6% off: www.booking.com/6visacemea
  2. Markets which have up to 8% off: www.booking.com/8visacemea

Market Eligibility: All CEMEA markets with exclusions (check T&C’s or contact your Visa representative to get more details)

Visa Products: All Visa cards are eligible except non-reloadable Prepaid cards.

T&Cs apply.

Offer is valid until March 31, 2025.

For queries, you may email on https://www.booking.com/content/contact-us.html